Connection to gas networks
The procedure for connecting customer facilities to gas networks
Connection to gas networks is a comprehensive provision of services to the customer by the GDO with implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at creating the possibility of using gas for their own needs.
Connection of the construction facilities of customers or existing facilities to the gas distribution network is carried out in accordance with the Gas Distribution Systems Code, approved by the resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission, nr. 2494 dd. 30.09.2015.
The Gas Distribution Systems Code distinguishes between two types of connection: regular and irregular.
The Regular Connection service is available to consumers whose:
- capacity of gas consumption facilities is up to 16 cubic meters per hour;
- distance from the power supply point to the connection point is not more than 10 meters in urban areas;
- 25 meters in the countryside.
The Irregular Connection service is available to consumers whose capacity of gas consumption facilities is more or equal to 16 cubic meters per hour or distance from the power supply point to the connection point is more than 10 meters in urban areas and 25 meters in the countryside or the power supply point is located on the customer’s land plot.
To join and connect gas supply facilities to gas networks, the customer must:
- apply the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”, a structural unit of the company “Single Window” in the relevant district gas facilities operation department;
- submit a written application for joining of the customer’s facility to the gas distribution system;
- submit a package of documents according to the list below.
In absence of comments on the submitted documents or after their elimination, the responsible employee of the “Single Window” within ten working days from the date of registration of the application on the basis of the questionnaire, submitted documents and parameters of the power supply point and connection point determines the type of connection for joining, draft agreement on joining, draft technical conditions of joining.
Together with the application for joining the customer provides the following documents list:
1. Completed questionnaire according to the form approved by the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”, which indicates the technical parameters of the customer’s facility to be connected to the gas distribution system.
2. Copies or the documents that determine the customer’s ownership or right to the facility (premises), and / or a copy of the document, confirming the right of ownership or use of land plot (with a graphic plan, of the land plot).
Warning! If there is no graphic plan of the land plot in the land plot documents (there is no cadastral plan), the customer must provide the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” with a situational plan (scheme), regarding location of the customer’s land plot with definition of its boundaries.
3. Copies or the customer’s documents:
• which certify an individual or his representative (for individuals);
• certifying the status of a legal entity or a natural person - entrepreneur and its representative (for legal entities and natural persons - entrepreneurs);
• registration at the State Fiscal Service in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Code of Ukraine.
4. A copy of the duly executed power of attorney to the customer’s representative, authorized to represent the interests of the customer during the joining procedure (if necessary).
The requirements of the current legislation on the legal regime of the lands of protected areas of gas distribution network facilities must take into account in the documents on the land plot.
The joining agreement and technical conditions of joining come into force from the date of their return by the Customer signed by the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”, a structural unit of the “Single Window” in the relevant district gas facilities operation department, and subject to payment for services on provision the customer permission to join, joining agreement and technical conditions of joining, if it is provided by the current legislation.
If the customer refuses to join its facility (land plot) to the gas distribution system, the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” obliges within five working days from the date of registration of the application for joining (or date of receipt of the updated data) to notify the customer in writing with appropriate justification of such a decision. A copy of the written refusal to join within the same period must be submitted to the territorial body of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission.
After concluding the joining agreement, the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” ensures joining of the customer’s facility or land plot (construction of external gas supply networks from the place of power supply to the connection point) within three months, taking into account the requirements of the Gas Distribution Systems Code and the customer’s payment schedule. In particular, the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” under the joining agreement provides:
• registration of land relations regarding the route of laying gas networks of external gas supply;
• obtaining town-planning conditions and restrictions of construction activities on the land plot under gas networks of external gas supply (if necessary);
• performance of engineering and geodetic surveys;
• development and approval of external gas supply project;
• obtaining permits to begin construction work in the manner prescribed by law;
• construction and commissioning of newly built (reconstructed) gas networks of external gas supply;
• installation the metering unit at the measuring point with ensuring its protection from adverse weather conditions and unauthorized access;
• restoration of public services and amenities that were disrupted as a result of construction;
• connection of gas networks of external gas supply in the place of power supply;
• connection to the gas distribution network of the customer’s internal gas supply networks at the connection point;
• start-up of gas at the customer’s facility and conclusion of a natural gas distribution agreement (technical agreement).
By agreement of the parties, the joining agreement may specify a longer or shorter period of implementation of these measures, including the period required by the PrJSC “Temopilgaz” to agree and formalize the right to use the land under gas networks of external gas supply in accordance with law.
Typical joining agreements to download:
Methodology for setting fees for connection to gas transmission and gas distribution systems
Costs of connection to gas networks for 2023