In compliance with the requirements of Clause 2, Chapter 2, Part XIV of the Code of GDM and amendments introduced by the Resolution of the NERCEP nr. 1909 of October 29, 2021
PJSC Ternopilgaz publishes information about consumers who receive gas from a supplier of “ostannia nadiia”.
According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine nr. 917-r of July 22, 2020, the LLC “Gas supply company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” was designated as the “ostannia nadiia” supplier for a period of three years as the winner of the competition. Company website https://gas.ua/
For the period from 01.11.2023 to 31.11.2023, according to the messages received from the information platform of the Operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine, the number of consumers in the area of licensed activity of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” who are registered in the Register of consumers of the “ostannia nadiia” supplier is as follows:
Data of providing information by the Operator of the gas transportation system | Amount of consumers |
01.11.2023 | 1 |
02.11.2023 | 4 |
05.11.2023 | 1 |
09.11.2023 | 2 |
11.11.2023 | 11 |
12.11.2023 | 3 |
15.11.2023 | 4 |
16.11.2023 | 3 |
18.11.2023 | 5 |
19.11.2023 | 6 |
22.11.2023 | 5 |
23.11.2023 | 2 |
24.11.2023 | 4 |
26.11.2023 | 7 |
29.11.2023 | 3 |
30.11.2023 | 6 |
Household consumers (population) can find detailed information about the start of natural gas supply by the “ostannia nadiia” supplier in their “personal area”.