Inspection of gas equipment and gas-using equipment is carried out during the maintenance of indoor gas supply systems, which is carried out at least once a year, according to the agreement for maintenance of indoor gas equipment and networks.
From the beginning of 2019, homeowners, balance holders or tenants choose a company that performs maintenance of gas-using equipment (gas boiler, point-of-use water heater (gas-fired water heater), gas convector, stove, etc.), gas equipment (shut-off valves, gas pressure regulator, gas metering unit, automation tools, etc.) and indoor networks. The service is market-based, and the right to conduct such work is available to companies that have a permit from the Chief State Labor Department in Ternopil Region.
The PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” as a gas distribution system operator (hereinafter – GDN Operator) remains responsible for reliable and safe operation of gas distribution networks to the limit of balance ownership and operational responsibility of the parties. The GDN operator also has the right to limit gas supply to the facility in case the houseowner of the house does not provide maintenance of gas supply systems, i.e. in case of the appropriate agreement absence.
Such changes are caused by adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Housing and Communal Services”, Order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry nr. 250 dd. May 10, 2018, Order of the Ministry of Energy nr. 190 dd. July 27, 2018, the Gas Distribution Systems Code.
The company PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” provides services for gas supply systems maintenance and may enter into an agreement with the customer of such services, on contractual base, timely and efficiently provide this service. To conclude the agreement, please apply directly to the relevant Gas Facilities Operation Department with a statement or by Contact Center numbers:
(035) 2 519 904 – UKRTELECOM
(097) 0 519 904 – KYIVSTAR
(095) 0 519 904 – VODAFONE
If the quality of services provided for maintenance of gas supply systems by the company PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” is not satisfactory, you can file a complaint to the Hotline phone number or send it to the e-mail address:
Hotline phone number
0 800 500 904
All calls are free from landline phones and numbers of Ukrainian mobile operators within Ukraine