Distribution tariff
In accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission”, “On the Natural Gas Market”, “On Natural Monopolies”, Methods for determining and calculating the tariff for natural gas distribution services, approved by the Resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NKREKP) nr. 236 dd. February 25, 2016, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 3, 2016 under nr. 1434/29564, the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission with the Resolution nr. 130 dd. 30.01.2021 amended the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2461 dd. 16.12.2020 in terms of changes the tariff for natural gas distribution services for PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” from UAH 2.17 per 1 cubic meter per month (VAT excluding) to UAH 1.79 per 1 cubic meter per month (VAT excluding). As a result:
- the tariff for natural gas distribution services makes UAH 1.79 per 1 cubic meter per month (VAT excluding).
This resolution shall enter into force on February 1, 2021.
In accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission”, “On the Natural Gas Market”, “On Natural Monopolies”, Methods for determining and calculating the tariff for natural gas distribution services, approved by the Resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NKREKP) nr. 236 dd. February 25, 2016, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 3, 2016 under nr. 1434/29564.
The National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission with the Resolution nr. 2461 dd. 16.12.2020, established a new tariff for natural gas distribution services for PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021:
- the tariff for natural gas distribution services makes UAH 2.17 per 1 cubic meter per month (VAT excluding).
This Resolution shall enter into force on January 1, 2021, but not earlier than the day following the day of its publication on the official website of the NKREKP .
It was published on the official website of the NKREKP on 16.12.2020.
To the attention of customers of services of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” and representatives of local government authorities!
On October 29, 2020, the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” held an open discussion of the Draft Tariff for Natural Gas Distribution of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021 and the Gas Distribution Enterprise Development Plan for 2021-2030.
In accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 866 dd. 30.06.2017 “On Approval of the Procedure for Open Discussion of Draft Decisions of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission”, the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” publishes the Protocol of open discussion of the Draft Tariff for Natural Gas Distribution of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021 and the Gas Distribution Enterprise Development Plan for 2021-2030.
To the attention of services customers of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” and representatives of local government authorities!
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Peculiarities of Access to Information in the Fields of Electricity, Natural Gas, Heat Supply, Centralized Hot Water Supply, Centralized Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage” and “Temporary Methodology for Determining and Calculating Tariffs for Natural Gas Distribution Service”, taking into account the requirements of the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 866 dd. 30.06.2017 “On Approval of the Procedure for Open Discussion of Draft Decisions of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission”, the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” announces the beginning of an open discussion of the draft tariff for natural gas distribution of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021 and the gas distribution enterprise development plan of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021-2030.
The purpose of proposals consideration for the draft tariff for natural gas distribution is to review the costs of materials and services in connection with inflation, as well as fulfilment of the Company’s obligations under the Agreement on operation of gas distribution systems or their components concluded between the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” nr. 240517/27-Tn-GRM dd. May 24, 2017 in terms of inclusion of the fee for the operation of state property, which is on the balance of the Company according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers nr. 95 dd. 21.02.2017 into the tariff.
Information is posted on the Company’s official website at the link: http://tgaz.te.ua/ in the “Tariffs” section.
Please send Suggestions and comments on the tariff to the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” by e-mail planovy@tgaz.te.ua or by mail at the address: 46008, Ternopil, Chernivetska Str., bld. 54, marked in the subject of the letter “Tariff for the natural gas distribution” during the period from October 16 to October 28, 2020 through.
An open discussion of the draft tariff structure for natural gas distribution of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021 and the gas distribution enterprise development plan of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021-2030 will take place on 29.10.2020 at 11:00 at the address: Ternopil, Chernivetska Str., bld. 54, 3rd floor (meeting room).
Draft tariff structure for natural gas distribution
Substantiation of revising the tariff for natural gas distribution services
Draft Gas Distribution System Development Plan of the PRJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021-2030
Substantiation to the Draft Gas Distribution System Development Plan of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021-2030
Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 1178 dd. 24.06.2020 amended the resolution of the NKREKP nr. 3040 dd. December 24, 2019.
In accordance with the laws of Ukraine “On the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission”, “On the Natural Gas Market”, “On Natural Monopolies”, Methods for determining and calculating the tariff for natural gas distribution services, approved by the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 236 dd. February 25, 2016, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 3, 2016 under nr. 1434/29564, the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission, RESOLVES:
1. To make the following changes to the resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission nr. 3040 dd. December 24, 2019 “On establishing a tariff for natural gas distribution services of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”:
1) in the second paragraph of sub-clause 2 of clause 1, the figures “1.13” shall be replaced by the figures “1.03”;
2) supplement 2 to the resolution shall be set forth in the new wording attached.
2. This Resolution shall enter into force on July 1, 2020, but not earlier than the day following the day of its publication on the official website of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission.
With the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 3040 dd. 24.12.2019 a new tariff for natural gas distribution services was approved on 01.01.2020 for the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”.
Pursuant to the Law of Ukraine “On the Natural Gas Market”, the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter NKREKP) with the Resolution nr. 2080 dd. 07.10.2019 amended some resolutions of the NKREKP according to which payment for natural gas was divided into payment for gas as a commodity, and payment for its distribution service.
In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Chapter 6 of Section VI of the Code of Gas Distribution Systems:
The consumer’s payments for the natural gas distribution service provided by the GDN Operator under the natural gas distribution agreement are based on the annual ordered capacity of the consumer’s facility (facilities) and are paid by the consumer in equal instalments during the calendar year.
The monthly cost of the natural gas distribution service is defined as the product of 1/12 of the annual ordered capacity of the consumer’s facility (facilities) at the rate, set by the Regulator for the respective GDN Operator based on the monthly cost of one cubic meter of ordered capacity.
The annual ordered capacity of the consumer’s facility (facilities) for the estimated calendar year is determined by the GDN Operator based on the actual volume of natural gas consumption by this facility for the gas year (from 01.10.2018 to 30.09.2019) preceding the estimated calendar year, which is determined in accordance with the requirements of this Code.
Resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission nr. 3040 dd. 24.12.2019 established for the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”:
1) for the period from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 inclusive:
tariff for natural gas distribution services – in the amount of UAH 0.89 per 1 cubic meter per month (VAT excluding);
2) from July 1, 2020:
tariff for natural gas distribution services – in the amount of UAH 1.13 per 1 cubic meter per month (VAT excluding).
This resolution shall enter into force on January 1, 2020, but not earlier than the day following the day of its publication in the official printed publication – the newspaper “Governmental Courier”.
August 19, 2019
On August 19, 2019, an open discussion of the Draft Tariff Structure for Natural Gas Distribution Services of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2019 was held by consumers, government officials and the public.
In accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 866 dd. 30.06.2017 “On Approval of the Procedure for Open Discussion of Draft Decisions of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission”, the PRJSC “Ternopilgaz” publishes the Protocol of open discussion of the Draft Tariff for Natural Gas Distribution of the PRJSC “Ternopilgaz” for the planned period.
August 5, 2019
The PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” provides for consideration to consumers and the public a draft tariff structure for natural gas distribution services for 2019.
The PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” provides services for distribution of natural gas to the final consumer.
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Peculiarities of Access to Information in the Fields of Electricity, Natural Gas, Heat Supply, Centralized Hot Water Supply, Centralized Drinking Water Supply and Sewerage”, taking into account the requirements of the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 866 dd. 30.06.2017 “On Approval of the Procedure for Open Discussion of Draft Decisions of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission” the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” announces the draft tariff structure for natural gas distribution services for 2019.
The main purpose of discussion is to bring the tariff to an economically reasonable level for proper financing of necessary materials and services, ensuring the level of salaries of employees of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” in accordance with industry averages, ensuring the implementation of the gas distribution system (investment program), programs for replacement of gas meters by household consumers, as well as the inclusion of fees for the right to operate state property in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers nr. 95 dd. 21.02.2017 into the tariff.
Comments and suggestions from interested parties are accepted during the period from 09:00 on August 5, 2019 until 09:00 on August 19, 2019 through to the e-mail address: planovy@tgaz.te.ua, or by mail at the address: 46008, Ternopil, Chernivetska Str., bld. 54, marked in the subject of the letter “Tariff for the natural gas distribution”.
An open discussion of the draft tariff structure for natural gas distribution of the PRJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2019 will take place on 19.08.2019 at 11:00 at the address: Ternopil, Chernivetska Str., bld. 54, 3rd floor (meeting room).
Draft tariff structure for natural gas distribution of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2019
Substantiation of revising the tariff for natural gas distribution services for 2019
Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2305 dd. 15.12.2016 approved a new tariff for natural gas distribution services for the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” in the amount of UAH 631.90 for 1000 cubic meters VAT excluding from 01.01.2017.
Tariffs for natural gas distribution services, established from 01.01.2017.
Name of the enterprise | Tariff, UAH per 1000 cubic meters (VAT excluding) | Established by resolutions dd. 24.03.2016 |
1 PJSC “Vinnytsiagaz” | 685,10 | 421 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2279 dd. 15.12.2016) |
2 PJSC “Volyngaz” | 713,50 | 422 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2280 dd. 15.12.2016) |
3 PrJSC “Gadiachgaz” | 541,60 | 423 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2281 dd. 15.12.2016) |
4 PJSC “Dniprogaz” | 466,20 | 424 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2282 dd. 15.12.2016) |
5 PJSC “Dnipropetrovskgaz” | 580,60 | 425 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2283 dd. 15.12.2016) |
6 PJSC “Donetskoblgaz” | 522,60 | 426 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2284 dd. 15.12.2016) |
7 PJSC “Zhytomyrgaz” | 634,90 | 427 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2285 dd. 15.12.2016) |
8 PJSC “Zakarpatgaz” | 711,50 | 428 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2286 dd. 15.12.2016) |
9 PJSC “Zaporizhgaz” | 430,20 | 429 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2287 dd. 15.12.2016) |
10 PJSC “Ivano-Frankivskgaz” | 713,10 | 430 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP dd. 15.12.2016 nr. 2288) |
11 PJSC “Kyivgas” | 211,90 | 431 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2289 dd. 15.12.2016) |
12 PJSC “Kyivoblgaz” | 567,20 | 463 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2290 dd. 15.12.2016) |
13 Opened Joint-Stock Company “Kirovogradgaz” | 613,30 | 432 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2291 dd. 15.12.2016) |
14 PrJSC “Korostyshivgaz” | 328,80 | 433 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2292 dd. 15.12.2016) |
15 PrJSC “Kremenchukgaz” | 220,20 | 434 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2293 dd. 15.12.2016) |
16 PJSC “Kryvorizhgaz” | 295,80 | 435 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2294 dd. 15.12.2016) |
17 PJSC “Lubnigaz” | 699,20 | 436 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2295 dd. 15.12.2016) |
18 PJSC “Luganskgaz” | 722,10 | 437 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2296 dd. 15.12.2016) |
19 PJSC “Lvivgaz” | 708,10 | 438 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2297 dd. 15.12.2016) |
20 PJSC “Mariupolgaz” | 571,60 | 439 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2298 dd. 15.12.2016) |
21 PJSC “Melitopolgaz” | 669,20 | 440 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP dd. 15.12.2016 nr. 2299) |
22 PJSC “Mykolaivgaz” | 730,50 | 441 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2300 dd. 15.12.2016) |
23 PJSC “Odesagaz” | 369,10 | 442 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2301 dd. 15.12.2016) |
24 PJSC “Poltavagaz” | 674,40 | 443 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2302 dd. 15.12.2016) |
25 PJSC “Rivnegaz” | 725,50 | 444 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2303 dd. 15.12.2016) |
26 PJSC “Sumygaz” | 540,60 | 445 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2304 dd. 15.12.2016) |
27 PJSC “Ternopilgaz” | 631,90 | 446 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2305 dd. 15.12.2016) |
28 PRJSC “Teronopilmiskgaz” | 355,80 | 447 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2306 dd. 15.12.2016) |
29 PJSC “Tysmenytsiagaz” | 710,50 | 448 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2307 dd. 15.12.2016) |
30 PJSC “Umangaz” | 558,50 | 449 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2308 dd. 15.12.2016) |
31 PJSC “Kharkivgaz” | 721,10 | 450 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2309 dd. 15.12.2016) |
32 PJSC “Kharkivmiskgaz” | 269,10 | 451 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2310 dd. 15.12.2016) |
33 Joint-Stock Company “Khersongaz” | 600,20 | 452 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2311 dd. 15.12.2016) |
34 PJSC “Khmelnitskyigaz” | 595,20 | 453 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2312 dd. 15.12.2016) |
35 PJSC “Cherkasygaz” | 316,50 | 454 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2313 dd. 15.12.2016) |
36 PJSC “Chernivtsigaz” | 723,70 | 455 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2314 dd. 15.12.2016) |
37 PJSC “Chernigivgaz” | 627,50 | 456 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2315 dd. 15.12.2016) |
38 PJSC “Shepetivkagaz” | 459,60 | 457 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2316 dd. 15.12.2016) |
39 PrJSC “NGHP “Sirka” | 720,00 | 458 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2317 dd. 15.12.2016) |
40 State Enterprise “Montazhnyk” of the LLC “TD “Valinor” | 724,00 | 459 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2318 dd. 15.12.2016) |
41 LLC “Gazovyk” | 726,90 | 460 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2319 dd. 15.12.2016) |
42 LLC “Gazpostachservice” | 679,90 | 461 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP dd. 15.12.2016 nr. 2320) |
43 State Enterprise “Kremenets UPRG” | 724,10 | 462 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2263 dd. 15.12.2016) |
44 LLC “Spektrgaz” | 151,10 | Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 850 dd. 26.05.2016 (with changes, made with the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 2278 dd. 15.12.2016) |