Service standards
Minimum standards and requirements to the customer service quality are set with the Resolution of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NKREKP), Ukraine, nr. 1156 dd. September 21, 2017. This resolution provides for compliance with the terms and scope of services, monetary compensation for consumers in case of non-compliance with these requirements and standards.
The minimum standards and requirements for the quality of customer service in provision of natural gas distribution services include:
1. Provision of technical access to the gas distribution system, namely: connection permit, draft connection agreement, technical connection conditions and relevant invoices for their payment from the date of registration of the connection application (or date of receipt of updated data and / or elimination of comments):
• without the need for their coordination with the owner of gas networks - within 10 working days;
• if necessary, their coordination with the owner of gas networks - within 10 working days after obtaining the written consent of the owner of gas networks;
• approval of the external gas supply project and its estimated part in case of its development by the customer - within a period not exceeding 15 calendar days;
• submission of an additional agreement to the connection agreement after approval of the external gas supply project and its estimated part by the customer - within 10 working days;
• provision of services for connection to the gas distribution system - within the period specified in the connection agreement to the gas distribution system;
• ensuring the connection of the customer’s facility to GDN (physical connection of gas networks of external and internal gas supply) after providing the GDN Operator with supporting documents on the gas supply and their physical presence at the connection point:
• in urban areas - within 10 working days (if the connection agreement does not set a later date);
• in rural areas - within 15 working days (if the connection agreement does not set a later date);
• start-up of gas in the gas networks of gas networks of internal supply under the condition of concluding a Natural Gas Distribution Agreement (technical agreement) and after the consumer (adjacent natural gas market entity) acquires confirmed volumes of natural gas for the relevant period;
• in urban areas - within 5 working days;
• in rural areas - within 10 working days.
2. Provision of a Natural Gas Distribution Agreement, signed by the authorized person of the GDN Operator, at the written request of the consumer - within 10 working days.
3. Termination / restriction of gas supply (natural gas distribution) to the consumer’s facility in the cases specified in paragraph 1, Chapter 7, Section VI, of the GDN Code - at least three days before the planned date of termination of gas supply (natural gas distribution).
4. Resumption of gas supply (natural gas distribution) upon written request of the consumer (its supplier) for resumption of gas supply (natural gas distribution) and after elimination of violations (if any) and reimbursement of costs for termination and resumption of gas supply (natural gas distribution) to the GDN Operator:
• in urban areas - within 2 working days;
• in rural areas - within 5 days.
5. Temporary termination of natural gas distribution from the date of registration of the relevant consumer application:
• in urban areas - within 5 working days;
• in rural areas - within 10 working days.
6. Natural gas quality:
• checking the value of pressure and / or quality of gas on the basis of a written statement of the consumer:
• in urban areas - within 2 working days;
• in rural areas - within 5 working days;
• providing supporting documents on natural gas physical and chemical parameters (hereinafter - FCP) - within 5 working days from the date of receipt of a written request from the consumer.
7. Instrumental natural gas accounting:
• extraordinary or expert verification of measuring equipment, if the initiator was the GDN Operator, - within 10 working days from the date of drawing up the protocol on sending for extraordinary or expert verification or from the date of receipt by the consumer of the GDN Operator’s letter on verification;
• examination of measuring equipment and / or seals - within 10 working days from the date of the protocol preparation.
8. Consideration of the written appeal of the consumer - within one month from the date of receipt of the appeal.
Monetary compensation
The consumer or the customer receives monetary compensation in case of violation by the gas distribution company of minimum standards and requirements to the service quality by taking into account the amount of appropriate compensation as an advance payment for natural gas distribution service for the next billing period.
The gas distribution company is obliged to inform the consumer about the compensation by indicating in the bill for natural gas distribution services, including in the “personal area” of the consumer, or by the letter on the form before the end of the settlement period in which compensation is accrued.
In case the gas distribution organization does not provide compensation, the consumer has the right to apply to the gas distribution company.
In case of unreasonable refusal to provide compensation or leaving the application without consideration, the consumer has the right to apply to the NKREKP and its territorial bodies or to the court.
Compensation for non-compliance with the minimum standards and requirements for the quality of customer service in the provision of natural gas distribution services is not provided in cases, when non-compliance with the minimum standards and requirements for the quality of customer service in the provision of natural gas distribution services was caused by proven:
• force majeure, confirmed by the relevant certificate of the Chamber of Commerce;
• actions of the consumer that led to a delay in the services provision or an emergency break in gas supply;
• actions of the third parties that led to an emergency interruption in gas supply;
•violation by the consumer of the Rules of Gas Supply Systems Safety, approved with the order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine nr. 285 dd. May 15, 2015, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine nr. 674/27119 dd. June 08, 2015.
In case of a dispute, you can contact the “Hotline” of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”.
Hotline telephone number:
0 800 500 904
All calls are free from landlines and numbers of Ukrainian mobile operators within Ukraine.