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Reconstruction of the existing gas supply system

The owner (balance holder and / or lessee) must properly ensure maintenance of the gas supply system of the facility.

In case of necessity of reconstruction or technical re-equipment of the facility of household / non-household consumer already connected to the gas distribution network, including as a result of change of the ownership form or the owner of this facility, it is necessary to address the enterprise which the agreement for maintenance of the indoor gas supply system for household / non- household consumers is concluded with. 

The PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” carries out reconstruction of the gas supply system of the facility and at the request of the consumer may enter into an agreement for maintenance of the indoor gas supply system in accordance with: 

Gas Distribution Systems Code;
State Construction Standard
Safety Regulations for Gas Supply Systems.


  • changes in location and / or size of the gas metering unit (hereinafter – GMU);
  • changes in location of gas-using equipment (gas stove, gas heating boiler, gas-fired water heater, gas convector, gas generator);
  • replacement of gas-using equipment with equipment of higher capacity and / or other type;
  • transfer of gas-using equipment to another location;
  • the need to change the location of gas networks (pipelines) to gas-using equipment, which in turn will lead to a change in the place of its installation;
  • installation of additional gas-using equipment, which is not provided by the working design.


1. Copy of passport and identification number. 
2. A copy of the ownership right on gasified facility. 
3. Construction passport of the building, notification on the start of construction works, technical passport of the building, duly approved by the Bureau of Technical Inventory, declaration of readiness of the facility for operation. 
4. Detailed working design for gas supply. 
5. Passport on gas appliance (boiler, gas-fired water heater, convector, gas stove (optional). 
6. Receipt (last payment for natural gas).
The owner (balance holder and / or lessee) must attach a written application to the prepared a list of documents and apply to the district gas facilities operation department at the place of the facility registration.