Termination or restriction of gas supply
Ternopilgaz has the right to terminate or limit gas supply (distribution of natural gas) to the consumer’s facility within the licensed territory in accordance with the current legislation in the following cases:
1) late and / or incomplete payment for services in accordance with the terms of the natural gas distribution agreement;
2) receipt from the Gas Transmission System Operator of a notice on termination of natural gas distribution to the consumer upon:
- absence of the consumer in the Register of consumers of any supplier in the corresponding settlement period;
- absence of the confirmed nomination by the current supplier for the volume of natural gas transportation for consumer needs;
3) submission by the consumer or his supplier of a written application for gas supply termination;
4) refusal of the consumer to install a gas meter, which is carried out on the initiative and at the expense of the gas distribution company, taking into account the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring commercial accounting of natural gas”;
5) termination of the natural gas distribution agreement;
6) unauthorized natural gas intake or interference in the operation of measuring equipment or gas distribution networks;
7) unauthorized resumption of gas consumption;
8) recognition in the prescribed manner of the emergency condition of the gas distribution system and / or elimination of the consequences of accidents caused by emergencies of man-made, natural or environmental nature, and carrying out repair and restoration works;
9) presence of debts for unauthorized extraction of natural gas from gas distribution networks.
In the following cases: 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, Ternopilgaz GDN Operator must send a registered mail or provide a notice of gas supply (distribution) termination at least three days before the scheduled date of termination of gas supply (distribution of natural gas) to the household consumer. The notification must state the grounds and date of termination of natural gas distribution by the gas distribution company;
10) unreasonable refusal to sign the act of provided services and / or the acceptance-transfer certificate of natural gas (for non-household consumers);
11) denial of access to representatives of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” in the objects or land of the consumer, where the gas distribution system is located (gas equipment, commercial gas metering unit);
12) in other cases provided by law.
The consumer is obliged to allow representatives of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” to their own facilities and not to oppose them when taking measures to stop or limit the natural gas distribution. Upon receipt of a written request from the gas distribution company for independent restriction or cessation of natural gas consumption, the consumer is obliged to comply with this requirement and independently limit or stop the natural gas intake.
Pay attention!
In case of refusal of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” representatives in access to the consumer’s facility to stop the natural gas distribution, in case of unauthorized resumption of gas consumption, including for localization or liquidation of emergency, as well as after termination of natural gas distribution agreement the gas distribution company can perform termination of natural gas distribution by mechanical disconnection of the consumer’s gas networks from the gas distribution system.
Termination or restriction of natural gas distribution to the consumer is carried out, in particular, by closing the shut-off devices or installing an inventory plug and sealing them.