• to obtain round-the-clock access to the gas distribution system within the value of the connected capacity of its facility and the transfer of appropriate natural gas volume (volumes) with the appropriate level of reliability, safety, quality and pressure provided that it complies with the Natural Gas Distribution Agreement (hereinafter – the Agreement);
• on recalculation of services provided under the Agreement in case of non-compliance of GDN operator the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” with the level of quality and / or value of natural gas pressure transmitted at the balance sheet of the consumer facility;
• to require from the GDN Operator a written form of the Agreement, certified by the seal of GDN
• to initiate an operation inspection of a commercial metering unit (gas meter) in the manner prescribed by the Gas Distribution Systems Code;
• to apply to the GDN Operator with complaints and suggestions on compliance with the terms of the Agreement;
• to receive compensation in case of non-compliance of natural gas quality with the parameters defined by the Gas Distribution Systems Code;
• other rights provided by the Gas Distribution Systems Code.
• make calculations in the amount, terms and procedure specified in the Agreement;
• promptly notify the GDN operator of any changes to personal data in the application for connection and / or freelance work of a commercial metering unit (gas meter);
• not to prevent the GDN operator from taking measures to improve natural gas metering for accurate measurement of natural gas distribution and consumption, including installation of remote data
transmission facilities, duplicate measuring equipment or individual embedded parts for the GDN
operator expense;
• provide unimpeded and free access of the GDN Operator’s representatives to own facilities or land with their ID cards to perform their duties to ensure a guaranteed level of reliability, safety, quality and
magnitude of natural gas pressure, prevent possible gas leaks and accidental situations, in particular for:
inspection, localization and liquidation of gas leaks and emergencies; inspections, verifications and / or examinations of a commercial metering unit (gas meter), as well as verification of gas meter readings;
performance of works on termination and restoration of gas supply, etc.;
• prevent unauthorized extraction of natural gas;
• ensure proper operation of own gas networks in accordance with the requirements of the Gas
Distribution Systems Code and the act of delimitation of balance ownership and operational responsibility of the parties;
• comply with other requirements of the Gas Distribution Systems Code.