List of organizations that provide services for inspection of chimneys and ventilation ducts
To check the serviceability of chimneys and ventilation ducts, you need to contact a specialized organization that has a permit to perform these works, issued by the Chief State Labor Department of Ukraine, trained staff and necessary equipment.
Additional information on the organizations that carry out maintenance of chimneys and ventilation ducts can be obtained from the Chief State Labor Department in Ternopil Region.
Warning! When ordering services, check whether the permits for maintenance of chimney and ventilation ducts issued to these organizations are valid (whether the permit has expired).
The PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” is one of such specialized organizations, has a license and permission of the Chief State Labor Department in Ternopil Region to perform work on inspection and cleaning of chimneys and ventilation ducts.
If you need to order a service for inspection and cleaning of chimney and ventilation ducts in the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” and you live in Ternopil or Ternopil Region, you should contact the Service Center for maintenance of gas-using equipment of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” at +38 (0352) 47-61-11, or by Contact Center numbers:
(035) 2 519 904 – UKRTELECOM
(097) 0 519 904 – KYIVSTAR
(095) 0 519 904 – VODAFONE
If you live in Ternopil Region, you have several options for applying for inspection and cleaning of chimney and ventilation ducts convenient for you, namely:
- independently make an application from your Personal Area on the official website, having previously registered;
- call the Contact Center of the Company (open Monday – Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00, Friday from 8:00 to 16:00);
- apply directly to the relevant Gas Facilities Operation Department with an application.
If the quality of services provided for inspection and cleaning of chimney and ventilation ducts by the company PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” is not satisfactory, you can file a complaint to the Hotline phone number or send it to e-mail:
Hotline phone number
0 800 500 904
All calls are free from landline phones and numbers of Ukrainian mobile operators within Ukraine