Three new modern gas distributing cabinet with two reduction lines in Terebovlia
Zastinotska, Sichovykh Striltsiv and Shevchenko streets in Terebovlia are now equipped with new modern gas distributing cabinets, which are designed to maintain and reduce the natural gas outlet pressure in gas distribution systems.
Decision on the need for their reconstruction was made by the company, due to physical wear and obsolete equipment, which previous gas distributing cabinets were equipped with. The new ones have two reduction lines with DIVAL SQD regulators, which allow to fully complying with the requirements of the Safety Rules of Gas Supply Systems, namely the regulation of gas pressure parameters.
Works were performed by the specialists of Terebovlia Department of Gas Management Economy within the framework of the Development Plan of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2021 in summer this year.
Troublefree and uninterrupted gas supply to each home is the main rule of Ternopilgaz’s activities!
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