Reconstruction of locking devices in Ternopil Region continues
Modernization of gas pipelines and structures on them, updating of equipment for accurate and objective accounting of consumed gas is a constant way of Ternopilgaz to ensure trouble-free and uninterrupted distribution of natural gas to each consumer. The company actively supports introduction and application of know-how in the branch.
In particular, on April 21, 2021, five wedge shaped valves were replaced with steel ball valves by employees of the construction and assembly section of the main enterprise and the construction and installation service of Berezhany District Gas Economy of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”. Preparatory works were also carried out for further connection of five mobile flow-measuring complexes to the villages: Genovychi, Zhukiv, Bishche, Lapshyn, Nadrichne-Urman of Ternopil District. Mobile flow metering systems will allow providing high-quality accounting of consumed natural gas in the listed settlements.
Last year, such mobile flow meters were installed on Zolochivska Street in the town Berezhany, as well as in the villages Zhukivskyi Kushch, Kuropatnyky, and Shybalyn. Works were carried out within the framework of the GDO Ternopilgaz Development Program.
Always Yours – “Ternopilgaz”!