Reconstruction of the medium- and low-pressure gas pipeline in the village Golgocha in Pidgaitsi District
Golgocha is a village of Pidgaitsiurban community of Ternopil Region. The length of the gas pipeline in the village makes 12 kilometers. Gasification was carried out in 1991-1995, as a result of which 551 homes received the heat of the blue fire. Steel gas pipelines are inspected annually for damage, but accident-free and uninterrupted gas supply to every home is our main task.
During comprehensive instrument inspection, specialists of PidgaitsiDistrict, Berezhny Gas Management Department, discovered a part of the gas pipeline in an unsatisfactory condition. For the safety of the villagers and to prevent gas leaks, a decision was made to replace the emergency site.
Reconstruction of the facility began in October 2022. It is planned to replace 595 meters of medium-pressure underground gas pipeline and 1490 meters of low-pressure gas pipeline, to install 72 gas metering nodes at the boundaries of households. Our specialists are working overtime to complete the work before the cold weather.
Polyethylene pipelines have a number of significant advantages, namely: high elasticity, strength, long service life. Such gas pipelines pass without protection and insulation, and the labour intensity of their installation is 2-3 times lower than steel ones.
While the enemy mercilessly destroys the state’s critical infrastructure, we are fighting for victory on our front and will do everything possible to make every home safe, warm and cosy.
The works are provided within the framework of the Development Program of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” for 2022.
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Always Yours “Ternopilgaz”