Dear subscribers! Please pass metrics from the 1st to 5th of each month and in the case of gas smell, emergency call 104
If gas smell detects, call 104
Accounts with a special mode of use to pay for the natural gas distribution service
07.12.2021 16:30
Dear consumers of natural gas of Ternopil Region!
We would like to inform you that the following accounts with a special mode of use for crediting funds received from the consumers as payment for the natural gas distribution servicewere opened at Ternopil Regional Department of the JSC Oschadbank:
• for population – UA30338545000002603300712644;
• for religious organizations – UA253385450000026032301712644;
• for industrial and communal enterprises – UA203385450000026031302712644;
• for budget organizations – UA153385450000026030303712644.
Please take this information into account when making payments.
Always yours – Ternopilgaz!
Проведено засідання Ради керівників газових господарств Тернопільщини
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