To the Attention of Consumers of the PrJSC Ternopilgaz
According to the laws of Ukraine “On the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities”, “On the Natural Gas Market and On Natural Monopolies”, the Methodology for Determining and Calculating Tariffs for Natural Gas Distribution Services, approved by the National Commission, of the state regulation in the field of energy and utilities nr. 236 of February 25, 2016, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 3, 2016 under nr. 1434/29564, according to the resolution of the National Commission for state regulation in the field of energy and utilities for “On Establishing a Tariff for Natural Gas Distribution Services” for the PrJSC Ternopilgaz nr. 2767 of 22.12.2021 to establish a tariff for natural gas distribution services – in the amount of UAH 1.75 per 1 c.m. per month (excluding VAT).
This Resolution shall enter into force on January 1, 2022, but not earlier than the day following the day of its publication on the official website of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities.