Repair works on the low-pressure gas pipeline in the village Yastrubove has been completed
Thorough inspection of underground pipelines belongs to the planned works of Ternopilgaz. In order to detect any gas leaks and minimize the loss of natural gas, all steel gas pipelines in the region are under strict control of the company and are subject to annual inspections.
Specialists of the service for operation and repair of underground gas pipelines check the condition of pipes, insulating coating, depth of laying of pipes and their suitability for further safe operation.
Thus, during a comprehensive instrumental inspection of the low-pressure underground gas pipeline in the village Yastrubove, Ternopil District, employees of Kozova Department for Gas Operations detected and localized 4 gas leaks by applying a bandage.
To restore the full operation of the pipeline, specialists carried out a number of earthworks and repairs, which lasted from the 8th to the 25th of June 2021.
We work to ensure trouble-free and uninterrupted distribution of natural gas to every consumer!