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Taking into account the needs of consumers, new modern equipment has been installed on gas networks
Employees of Kozova Department for Gas Operations and the Capital Construction Department of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” installed a new cabinet gas control point (hereinafter – CGCP) on the high-pressure gas pipeline after the automated gas distribution station (hereinafter – AGDS) Denysiv. AGDS Denisiv is located in Kozova District. The station provides natural gas to the settlements of Kozova and Ternopil districts, which is about 4 thousand natural gas consumers. Installation of a new CGCP makes it possible to regulate the gas pressure, taking into account the needs of consumers, ensures trouble-free and uninterrupted supply of natural gas. This CGCP will allow to maintain the working pressure of gas in the set parameters during the grain drying period, namely in the villages where grain dryers work – Slobidka, Yastrubovo, Zolota Sloboda, Plotycha. Cabinet gas control point Denisov is equipped with modern regulators for lowering the pressure from high to medium, safety shut-off devices, discharge devices and equipped with a data logger to control gas pressures online, with remote data transmission to the central emergency dispatch service. When the pressure is outside the programmed range, the recorder automatically sends emergency data. This allows round-the-clock control of inlet and outlet pressure on CGCP, and analysis of gas control equipment.
After the commissioning of this CGCP, the company has achieved a reduction in natural gas losses and significantly increased the level of consumer safety.
We ensure trouble-free and uninterrupted supply of natural gas to every consumer!