Ternopilgaz carries out high-quality repairs of gas boilers
A good heating system in a house or apartment in winter is the basic minimum required for comfortable living in it. Usually new imported heating equipment can withstand heavy loads for the first two or three years of operation. However, it should be remembered that such devices are manufactured according to European standards, and they differ significantly from domestic ones. In addition, low water quality often leads to the formation of scale in the heat exchange units of the boiler (heat exchangers).
When the service life of the boiler reaches three to four years, it is necessary to flush its heat exchange elements (heat exchangers). Such a service requires special equipment and components for chemical cleaning of heat exchange elements. Efficient and economical operation of the boiler depends on the proper functioning of its electronic components. An important part of after-sales service is checking them for serviceability. To monitor the correct operation of electronics, repair specialists use specialized equipment and software.
It is worth noting that the correct setting of the boiler can reduce heating costs at times. This is a topical issue for every consumer in winter.
Installation, commissioning and maintenance work, diagnostics of equipment, as well as repair of boilers should be carried out exclusively by the companies that have the appropriate licenses and permits.
Thus, in December 2022, the company conducted training on maintenance and repair of imported gas equipment for specialists of district gas companies. Today, consumers of natural gas in Ternopil Region can get quality advice or apply for repairs in any gas industry in the region and our experts are eager to help.
Moreover, in case of failure of any gas equipment systems, you can contact
the Service centre of gas-using equipment of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”
by phone numbers:
+38 (0352) 47-61-11
Contact centre: (035) 2 519 904 - UKRTELECOM
(097) 0 519 904 - KYIVSTAR
(095) 0 519 904 - VODAFONE
We perform maintenance and repair of heating equipment from such manufacturers as Ferroli, Vaillant, Protherm, Saunier Duval, Hermann, Beretta, Ariston, Sime, Viessman, Baxi and others.
We work for you!
Always yours – Ternopilgaz.