Dear subscribers! Please pass metrics from the 1st to 5th of each month and in the case of gas smell, emergency call 104
If gas smell detects, call 104

Dear consumers of natural gas in Ternopil region!
24.02.2022 12:53
Objects of the gas distribution system of the Ternopilgaz, PJSC operate in the usual mode.
District teams and the central emergency dispatch service perform their functions around the clock and without any breaks. Production services and the gas supply systems operation units are ready to promptly respond to any accident and emergency situations.
We will make every effort to ensure trouble-free and uninterrupted distribution of natural gas to each consumer.
Stay calm.
Sincerely yours – Ternopilgaz
Проведено засідання Ради керівників газових господарств Тернопільщини
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Привітання голови правління ПрАТ «Тернопільгаз» з святом Воскресіння Христового 2023!

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