PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” held an open discussion of the draft tariff for natural gas distribution services for 2022 and the Plan for the development of the gas distribution system for 2022 - 2031 of the gas distribution company PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”
To the attention of customers of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” and representatives of local governments!
The PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” on October 27, 2021 an open discussion of the draft tariff for natural gas distribution services for 2022 and the Plan for the development of the gas distribution system for 2022 - 2031 of the gas distribution company PRJSC “Ternopilgaz” was held.
In accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the NKREKP nr. 866 dated 30.06.2017 “On approval of the Procedure for open discussion of draft decisions of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities”, the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” publishes the Protocol of open discussion of the draft tariff for natural gas distribution services for 2022 and the Plan for the development of the gas distribution system for 2022-2031 of the gas distribution company PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”.