Results of the structural divisions' performance of the Ternopilgaz, PJSC for the fourth quarter of 2021
According to the results of the labor competition among the teams of the gas enterprises management departments of the Ternopilgaz, PJSC in the fourth quarter of 2021, the first place was awarded to Terebovlianske Gas Enterprise Operation Management Department (head of the Department – O.M. Dovhaliuk, chairperson of the Trade Union Committee – V.B. Kril).
The team was given a Passing Flag and awarded a Certificate of Honor and a congratulatory address.
The second place was taken by the team of Buchatskyi Gas Enterprise Operation Management Department (head of the Department – M.S. Kachur, chairperson of the Trade Union Committee – O.Ia. Kovalchuk).
The team was awarded a Certificate of Honor and a congratulatory address.
The third place was taken by two teams:
the team of the Shumskyi Gas Enterprise Operation Management Department (head of the Department – O.V. Rudzinskyi, chairperson of the Trade Union Committee – H.Ie. Shlikhta);
the team of Kozivskyi Gas Enterprise Operation Management Department (head of the Department – B.B. Kostenko, chairperson of the Trade Union Committee – P.V. Soltys).
The teams were awarded Certificates of Honor and congratulatory addresses.