Underground gas pipelines were damaged during excavation work
In Ternopil Region in November-December 2021 there were several cases of leaks in the distribution underground gas pipelines. Damage to gas pipelines during excavation work was found in the villages Ivankivtsi, Medyn, Toky, Ternopil District, and Zadariv, Chortkiv District. In case of receipt of such an emergency application, Central Emergency Dispatch Service of Ternopilgaz immediately transmits information to the district emergency gas service of the company that is leaving to the scene. These cases are related to emergencies and are unacceptable, because they often lead not only to great material damage, but also to human casualties!
In addition, localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents is a long-term process that creates inconvenience for a large number of consumers, because homes are left without gas from several hours to several days.
Dear natural gas consumers!
More than 14,000 km of underground gas pipelines have been laid in Ternopil Region. Along the route of the underground gas pipeline, protection zones have been identified on both sides of the gas pipeline axis. Storage of materials and equipment, planting trees, parking lots, garages, kiosks and other facilities are prohibited within their limits.
Construction works, digging trenches, pits, ditches at a distance of less than 15 meters from the pipeline are allowed only on the basis of written permission and in the presence of a representative of the district administration of gas economy service. The exact location of the pipeline is determined by a representative of the gas economy.
In order to prevent emergencies, we once again appeal to the residents of the region, emphasizing that any excavation work and / or construction works are carried out in accordance with the law with the written consent of the balance holder of underground communications!
When gas leaks from the underground gas pipeline, it can penetrate into the basements and under the floor of the 1st floor of buildings due to leaks in the soil. Building owners are responsible for sealing the inlets and outlets of utilities (water supply, sewerage, heating, power and communication cables) in basements, keeping basements and technical basements in a condition that would ensure their constant ventilation and inspection for gassiness. The serviceability of the seals of inlets and outlets of utilities should be checked by the owner every year in autumn and an act, specifying the technical condition of the seals of inlets and outlets should be issued. Owners of adjacent underground communications (water supply, sewerage, heating, cable lines), laid at a distance of up to 50 meters from the axis of the pipeline, are obliged to ensure timely cleaning of wells and chambers from contamination, snow, ice to check for gassiness. Covers of wells and chambers must have a hole with a diameter of at least 15 millimetres.
At concentration of gas in air from 5% to 15% the explosive mix of terrible destructive force is formed. So, before you start construction or excavation work in the protection zone of gas pipelines, consider the consequences.
Dear consumers! If you detect the smell of gas you need to:
immediately stop using gas-using equipment, close the taps on and in front of appliances, opening fanlight windows, windows, doors, creating a draft to ventilate the room, call the emergency gas service at 104. It is forbidden to turn on (off) electric lighting and appliances, use open fire.
The condition for reliable, uninterrupted and trouble-free distribution of natural to your home is compliance with basic safety rules. This will protect you and your family, neighbours from the serious consequences of gas accidents.
Always Yours - Ternopilgaz