We check, control and reconstruct gas networks
Since the beginning of the war, Ternopilgaz’s services and divisions have been working in an intensified mode. The main goal of the company is uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of gas supply facilities. Fortunately, Ternopil Region is in a relatively quiet area, but we are not losing vigilance and are ready to respond to any emergency immediately.
The gas service emergency telephone number 104 is known to every natural gas consumer. This line must be in good working order. After all, during a gas leak there may be a fire or even an explosion, and it’s also to mention carbon monoxide poisoning – the consequences for human health can be tragic and irreparable, so assistance of the gas emergency service must be urgent.
Since the beginning of the war, line 104 has been repeatedly subjected to cyber attacks. The company was able to instantly transfer it to backup lines. As a result, since February 24, 2022, the Central Emergency Dispatch Service of Ternopilgaz has received 380 emergency applications from residents of the region. All accidents were successfully and timely eliminated. This also applies to repairs of gas equipment – during this period, 971 applications from consumers of natural gas were fulfilled.
We continue to serve the communal utility enterprises of Ternopil Region. Their uninterrupted work is crucial to support the country’s economy during martial law. Since the beginning of war, Ternopilgaz has carried out 41 emergency gas service visits to such facilities and carried out 14 repairs of gas equipment.
Preventing and minimizing gas leaks for consumer safety has always been a priority for the company. Scheduled survey of gas network does not stop during the war. During this difficult period, 1,087 kilometers of gas networks were surveyed, which was 19% of the total number of planned surveys for 2022.
An integral part of our victory is smooth operation of energy infrastructure. We work around the clock to bring Victory Day closer at our workplace day after day, step by step!!!
Always yours Ternopilgaz