Training and testing of knowledge of officials on labor protection at the company
Ternopilgaz creates safe, proper and harmless working conditions for its employees. To properly and professionally organize work in the workplace, each manager must have the appropriate level of knowledge and professional training.
Therefore, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Regulations on the procedure for training and testing of knowledge on labor protection, this week, for managers, chief and senior engineers of district departments for gas economy operation, Ternopil Expert and Technical Center of the State Labor conducted training and testing.
In connection with the adoption of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On prevention of the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2” nr. 211 dd. March 11, 2020 participants took the exam in compliance with all necessary quarantine requirements.
Members of the commission of the Department of State Labor in Ternopil Region noted the proper training and high qualification level of knowledge of 30 officials of “Ternopilgaz”.
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Always yours – Ternopilgaz.