Consequences of non-admission of gas workers to gasified consumer facilities
Equipping natural gas consumers with gas meters is the responsibility of natural gas distribution companies at the respective territory. The largest of them in Ternopil Region is the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”.
When connecting the customer’s facility to the gas networks, the consumer must apply to the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” to agree on the procedure for issuing technical conditions, project approval, installation of a gas meter, etc.
Legal, economic and organizational principles of providing all categories of consumers with natural gas metering units for the purpose of introducing full commercial (instrumental) natural gas metering are determined by the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Commercial Natural Gas Metering”.
We would like to inform you that employees of the gas industry must carry out a control inspection of the meter, conduct its examination, repair, installation, dismantling and adhere to the specified deadlines. Also, together with the authorized body of Derzhspozhyvstandart – SE “Ternopilstandartmetrologia” to carry out mandatory verification of gas meters, i.e. inspection for serviceability.
In turn, the consumer is obliged to allow authorized representatives of the gas distribution company to its own territory (in the room where the gas meter is installed, and provide them with access to the device for control readings, its inspection, control inspection; installation / dismantling for verification (periodic, extraordinary, expert), examination and / or repair during operation of the natural gas metering unit and its components upon presentation of service certificates.
Obstruction by consumers in the access of employees of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” to consumer facilities, has the consequences provided by current legislation and the Code of Gas Distribution Networks, namely:
determination of the volume of consumed natural gas is carried out according to the maximum volumes of natural gas consumption by the population taking into account all gas appliances and devices from the date of the last control reading of the meter to the day of free access of the GDN Operator for control reading of the meter in accordance with the par.4, 5 of the Chapter 3 of the Section XI of the Code of Gas Distribution Systems.
That is, in case of refusal in admission the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” has the right to recalculate the volume of consumed natural gas on the basis of maximum consumption! PrJSC “Ternopilgaz” provides trouble-free and uninterrupted distribution of natural gas within the licensed activities and provides immediate response in case of an emergency, eliminates its consequences.
You can get qualified advice on all issues related to the distribution of natural gas in the Contact Centre of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”. Thus, from the 1st to the 5th of each month on working days natural gas consumers can submit meter readings, on other working days the contact centre employees help customers when registering in the “Personal account”, are engaged in processing applications received by the company in electronic and written form.
Also, the issues that can be addressed to the Contact Centre include: connection of customer facilities to gas networks, design and construction of gas pipelines, service and repair of gas equipment, clarification, resolution of disputes and conflicts, etc.
In order to resolve conflicts in a timely manner, there is a telephone “Hotline” for the consumers of the PrJSC “Ternopilgaz”.
Contact centre telephone numbers:
0352 51 99 04
097 051 99 04
095 051 99 04
Hotline phone number:
0 800 500 904
Pay attention! Payment for the service of natural gas distribution and for the gas itself as a commodity is regulated by the legislation of Ukraine, the Code of Gas Distribution Networks and a standard contract concluded by the parties during the gasification of the facility. In accordance with the above requirements, as well as for proper accounting of services provided, we recommend that you comply with applicable law.
Always your “Ternopilgaz”!